
Saturday, 17 April 2010

All over, bar the rest!

Three and a half hours and it's gone - until 14th May when the results are out.  Yorkshire in Bloom is behind us and before is the rest of the year.
Three of us spent an hour or so and got a third of the Cardinal Triangle dug, seeded, raked and watered - no photos of course, cos my camera is not working.  It was a beautiful morning and it seems perverse to wish for rain, but we do.
'The Buzz' - the Beeston in Bloom quarterly newsletter is ready for distribution - if you are on Linda's e-mailing list you will be getting an electronic copy. If you are not, we've distributed paper copies to where we can think of.
'Full many a flower is born to blush unseen' is from Thomas Gray (1716-1761) 'Elegy written in a country church-yard'

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