
Sunday 19 May 2013

A bit of a wash out

Happens to the best of us. 
Too few at the Monday get together to do anything useful and then Saturday (the rematch) was rained off, so this week it's Beeston in Bloom 0 : Weeds 2.
Linda and Vivienne caught a break in the cloud and tidied the vet's trough on Dewsbury Road and planted strawberries and chives.
Bit of bad news on the Leeds in Bloom front - they didn't cancel the Spring Judging - we didn't prepare -oops!

Sunday 12 May 2013

The sale outside the co-op was a reasonable success.
You'll notice that we were selling before we had time to put the sign up!

Lots of people are away this week so the meeting on Monday might be a bit sparse.
Have you noticed a clematis on the yard fence?  Have I been hacking at it thinking it was mile-a-minute?  Here it is in flower - not on the millennium garden side, but on the side facing the park - isn't it pretty?

Sunday 5 May 2013

Leaving it to the sun

It's been a quiet week but the sunshine has been busy. 

This is the blue bed in the millenium garden with the red behind.

And this is the red - I think the blossom is japanese quince - so there could be fruit for jam, come the autumn.
This one is a work in progress - dill from my seeds for the veg initiative in the front and behind are the cosmos for the Cardinal triangle. And you can just see some of the pepper and tomato for the plant sale on Saturday - outiside the co-op - see you there!