
Tuesday 22 January 2013

30/06/12 Working Party [from the archives]

As judging day is looming we split into different parties to try and do as much as possible. Unfortunately I only have pictures of where I was - but Vivienne and Jim put up Beeston in Bloom signs on the planters that had 'lost' them as well as helping Susan and Pauline at the Millenium Garden.

Meanwhile I was with Linda, Edna, David and our new recruit Elaine [above] at the Cardinal Triangle pulling up more weeds and planting the salvias and verbenas we bought on Monday. I think it is looking great, the plants are getting more established and the colour scheme of purple and silver is pulling everything together nicely.

After some debate we planted the salvias to form a ribbon of purple through the centre of the end bed and filled in with the verbenas. It's a good job we had a 'shower' [read cloudburst] later in the day as we have no access to water when we are at the Cardinal Triangle unless we fill up containers and that it with us [and I forgot again]. We also transplanted a large plant whose identity remained a mystery. It was pulled up because we thought it might be a weed but the roots were plant pot shaped so we decided it might not be a weed and replanted it near two smaller specimens of the same plant [forgot to take a photo so can't ask if anyone knows what it might be - I'll try and get one later].

The alliums have come up and seem to be about to flower [not sure if they'll manage it before Monday Judith].

I was trying to put in another photo of the foxgloves, which looked amazing in the sunshine, but blogger won't let me [tried three times now so I'm giving up]. Again we had 6 bags of weeds but I don't seem to have re-homed anymore wildlife this time.


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