We had a working party at the Cardinal Triangle on 6th April and gave the grasses a good hair cut - we even divided some [well Frederick did], which we would not have been able to do if judging was still going ahead but by the time summer judging gets here [19th July] they will have recovered.
Then the following Saturday, 13th April, we had another working party to replant the divided grasses in the bowling green border. All the small grasses we planted last year were stolen so we are hoping that these larger grasses might be less desirable. They covered about the middle third of the long bed so the nice people in the parks department are going to turf the ends for us. If the plants remain undisturbed then we will extend our planting next year.
Whilst some of us were doing that there were further groups planting primulas in the planters on Beeston Road, taking out a pyracantha from the planter at the side of the park and also finishing off the Millenium Garden weeding. The latter was the group I was in so that is where my photo is from.
Christine and David are busy here planting some more of our recycled plants in the back border.
I noticed that the telecommunication boxes on Beeston Road have been decorated.
Don't they look pretty with foxgloves on them.
I especially like the one with the fairy.
Anyway that's me caught up I think. We have a plant sale at Lodge Lane on 27th April. The plant sale at the Co-op has been postponed from the 4th May due to absenteeism and I think it has been re-arranged for the 11th May however I will still be AWOL.
Our next meeting should have been 13th May [as the 6th is a bank holiday] however we will be having a working party in the Millenium Garden instead.
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